

We offer a wide range of services to maximise the uptime of your assets and support the circular economy

The range of services that BGB can offer you to maximise the uptime of your assets, minimise costs and support the circular economy is ever growing – supported by our investment in facilities, people, and technology.  Some of the services we currently offer include:

> Repair and refurbishment – when your slip ring requires a refurbishment, don’t simply throw it away, return it to BGB where we will assess it, provide you with a full report and schedule of work and once approved, we’ll repair it back to a new condition, including providing a warranty.  We refurb whatever we can, and only replace components that would be unsafe to refurb – thereby minimising cost and landfill.  Our skilled technicians are able to repair both BGB and non-BGB originated parts.

> CNC Turning & Milling – we provide bespoke services for CNC turning, component assembly and finishing processes. We also offer a total subcontract CNC machining solution for quality turned parts and machined components required throughout the UK and worldwide. We can offer turnkey solutions and a fast quoting process from one-offs and prototypes to large batch manufacture. We have state-of-the-art metrology and a CMM to provide customers with detailed dimensional and test reports. We also have CAD CAM and offline programming capabilities.

> Servitisation contracts – along with the repair and refurb service, we can support your uptime via a servitisation contract.  We will partner with you to understand the usage of your assets, how many assets you have and your expectations and then propose a suitable service contract.  This would typically involve putting several units in stock (stored at your facility, next to your assets) so when a repair or refurb is needed, you replace it with one of the stock units, and then return the old unit to us for repair and refurb, which we then send back to you to be on stock.  There are several frameworks for this from payment as and when, to a monthly service contract where BGB will guarantee uptime from our products. 

> Brush recycling – when you replace brushes, why throw them away?  Often these contain either precious or other valuable base metals (such as silver or copper) which can be extracted from the brushes, reclaimed, and then sold to return money to you.  Not only does this mean your costs are reduced, but you are supporting the circular economy, minimising landfill, and ultimately helping the environment.  BGB can support you with this and manage the entire process from end to end in a transparent manner.


In addition to the above, BGB is constantly developing new technology solutions to further enhance the services we offer.  Coming very soon to a wind turbine near you will be the BGB Brush Wear Indicator system – as part of our uptime guarantee, don’t wait for the brushes to fail and need replacing.  BGB’s BWI system, once installed can provide real time data regarding the condition of the brushes and give you advance warning of when they will need replacing (think of a brake pad wear indicator on a car, or even a fuel gauge on a car).  The data captured can also then be analysed for usage patterns or even any warning signs of other issues in your asset so you can carry out inspection when needed and so BGB can further tailor our service offering to you.


Circular Economy

A major step we've taken to improve our processes is transitioning toward the circular economy


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CNC Turning & Milling

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